Can Live Online Education be a Viable Replacement to Classroom Learning?

 Am I audible? 
 Can you view the screen? 
 Please unmute yourself and speak. 
 There are network issues. I got disconnected. 

These questions and statements, among others, have become almost an indispensable part of students’ lives in present times. 

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Real-time online education was introduced as a sudden burden for students all over the world in order  to compensate for missing classes due to COVID-19 pandemic. As well-intended and necessary as the  move is thought to be, it has been deemed unproductive and extremely stressful by many. 

In times when this mode of education is on its way to replace traditional classroom learning, it becomes important to carefully evaluate various perspectives and objections associated with it.


Technology has brought many possibilities in the field of education to life. Although educational technology tools like smartboards, eBooks, etc., have become necessary for growth of the education system, basing the entire system on technology is not such a great idea. Online classes are completely dependent on the mood of technology. This creates various barriers in outflow of instruction like network issues, inaccessibility, etc., that not only hinder students’ concentration but also teachers’ plans.


Shifting from years of classroom education to online education within a month or two is a dramatic change. Students’ mindset has not been able to keep pace with this change at many instances. Therefore, the learning and benefits of online school have only been selectively understood. 

“Online education that leaves almost everybody behind except for highly motivated students, to me, can’t be a viable path to education.” - Sebastian Thrun 

The routine of going to school/college everyday has changed and impacted the daily life. Many students are not comfortable replacing that routine with getting up and sitting in front of screens every day. 

 Overall Development 

When it comes to overall development, online education fares far behind the traditional one. Not only are students excessively burdened with only academic assignments, they are also being deprived of various activities that have been an important part of overall educational curriculum since ages.

The social development of individuals is hindered due to less or no interaction and involvement. After all, online classes cannot duplicate the essence and importance of learning in real environment with friends and teachers.


With online classes come online examinations, which are actually ineffective and inefficient. Every effort is being taken by teachers and institutions to make each exam matter from changing the structure of question paper, modifying the general marking criteria and giving additional time. All these efforts have either resulted in an easy path to cheating or a difficult process to complete. Only 30-40% students take online exams seriously and sincerely. The rest have a ‘nobody cares about online exams’ kind of attitude, which can actually have adverse effect in future.

 Home Environment 

Online classes are conducted remotely, i.e. everyone teaches and learns from their own convenient location, mostly their homes. We’ve been confined to this home environment for almost everything now. This has led to people being in their comfort zone all the time. Education is supposed to bring people out into the world and provide them with various experiences. Online education violates this purpose. 

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Health and Lifestyle 

Sitting in front of computer screens for 6-7 hours every day for studying and later for completing other assignments is not exactly beneficial for one’s physical health. 

This arrangement has had an impact on students’ mental health too as there is almost no interaction with reality. Everything takes place in the virtual world.

 Although transferring the education system to the online sphere was the need of the hour at these times, there needs to be serious consideration if it can be viable in the long run.

Share your thoughts about online learning in the comments section below. 
